Please reach out if you cannot find an answer to your question.
(513)200-7487 (Call or Text)
We have 5 different packages, which ensures that we have a package to suite your needs. The most popular is the Gold Full Detail Package, but something else may work better to meet your needs. If you need help deciding, give us a call or text at (513)200-7487 and we will be happy to assist you.
The length of the detail will vary for each car and package. An interior or exterior detail generally takes around 5 hours depending on the car while a full detail takes around 7-9 hours depending on the car. For a more precise time frame please reach out, or take a look at our Scheduling Calendar, where an estimated time per service and vehicle is stated.
To book a service, please schedule a day that works here. You may also schedule by calling or texting (513)200-7487.
Our packages all have very different prices. To see a price specific to your vehicle and detailing needs, check out the bottom of each page under "Detailing Services".
Mobile details will take place at a location of your choice, as long as electricity and water is available. In-shop details take place at a shop in Camp Dennison. This will be communicated further once a detail is booked. Please reach out with any questions.
Products consist of mostly Griots, Adams Polishes, Meguiars, and P&S, with a few exceptions where other brands work better. Each product is tested rigorously to ensure high quality. For specific products please reach out.
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